Episode 110: A Soupçon Of Hitler (feat. Grant)

LPer and podcaster extraordinaire Grant returns to FITP to endure a gauntlet of comedy toons! We guffaw at INVENTION PIONEERS OF NOTE, grimace at STARWARSOHMYGOD, and thrill at STAR WARS TRANSITIONS. Plus, your emails, Carpet Right, Emilio Estevez, and naked animes!

LISTENER PROMPT: Email in and tell us WHAT UNTOLD STAR WARS STORY you would like to see!

(2:31) INVENTION PIONEERS OF NOTE – [YouTube] (part 1)
[YouTube] 2) (cw: flashing images)

(37:36) STARWARSOHMYGOD – [LINK] (cw: misogyny, racism, F-slur) (No YouTube mirror, if you find one get in touch!)

(57:45) TRANSITIONS (STAR WARS) – [LINK] (No YouTube mirror, if you find one get in touch!)

(1:28:53) Your emails!

Kickstarter: THE DISAPPEARANCES OF LYDIA FOUNTAYNE – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/foxbot/the-disappearances-of-lydia-fountayne

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